31 Days of Joy - Day 3 - What Joy Feels Like
Last night, I began to decorate my home for the Christmas holiday. Growing up my favorite thing to do was to help decorate the house for Christmas. There was this sense of anticipation and expectation of many wonderful surprises that I knew was going to come with the holiday season. As an adult, there are times where I dimmed that anticipation and expectation with the responsibilities that come with adulthood. As they say, adulting ain't easy.
As I decorated my house last evening, I could feel that anticipation and expectation coming back, and I could feel some of that childhood wonder and awe in my heart. For me, joy feels like the love of my childhood with the anticipation and expectation that I know many wonderful surprises and blessings are coming my way.
Today, take some time to reflect on what joy feels like for you and engage in those activities that give you those feelings of joy.
Filled With Joy,
Dr. Daphne