30 Days of Gratitude - Day 25
Earlier today while out on my morning walk, I noticed a wallet on the sidewalk. The contents of the wallet held various cards and a driver's license. At first thought, my mind went to my morning walk being interrupted as I picked the wallet up. Then I pushed back my own selfish desires and thought if it were I that lost my wallet what would I want someone to do. I thought about how frantic I would be to lose any of my cards and driver's license, as well as what would happen to my information if in the wrong hands. Then my good sense of humanity and kindness kicked in and I delivered the wallet to the address on the driver's license. The recipient was thankful the wallet had been returned. I learned a valuable lesson this day. It really did not cost me anything to be kind and truthfully, it did not really interrupt my morning to return the wallet I found. Throughout the day, I kept thinking what would my community, this country, and the world at large really look like and be like if we all took a little more time to be genuinely kind and consider someone else.
On day 25 of our gratitude journey, look for ways that you can engage in random acts of kindness and see how you and your community can be transformed, and how that transformation of kindness can spread to the country and world at large.
With an Attitude of Gratitude,
Dr. Daphne